Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hello Old Friends

Passport and outlet converter. I am all set for my trip. My flight leaves San Francisco at 11:30am tomorrow, I have a layover in Toronto, and then I land in Copenhagen.

2013 was the worst year I've had in a long time. A lot of old demons came back, I dealt with a lot of medical complications, I lost a lot of trust in people I cared about, and I spent most of the year job-hunting and becoming more and more depressed with my unemployment. Honestly, the only reason I applied for the job I have now is because I knew I was qualified and I wanted to have some sort of income to visit a boy in Germany who doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. The loss of that friendship still hurts if I dwell on it, but I have transformed a trip to Germany with a detour to Denmark into a trip to Denmark with a detour to Norway. I am so excited.

There is literally no purpose for this trip. It is completely indulgent and frivolous. All I want to do is be in my favorite place, eating foods I haven't tasted in over 3 years, and to be alone with my thoughts. Besides one big bump in my 2014 road, I have been having a great year. Lately I have had so many wonderful things in my life it has been a bit overwhelming and stressful and I have been putting a lot of pressure on myself to keep the positives escalating. When I was living in Denmark I was happy without trying. I like my life right now, but a break where I can just do nothing and be perfectly content with beer in a park and maybe some candles? Ja tak.

I have to pack now. I fully plan on having this blog active again for the next 3 weeks. Just do me a favor, if you haven't read it before don't read the last couple of posts because they are super depressing, go for something more exciting in the middle. Please also note that I did not learn the proper use of "then or than" until after this blog was pretty much done and I have no concept of correct comma use. Annnnnd I blog how I type which I can imagine some people find annoying.

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