Thursday, November 18, 2010

Am I Allowed to Post 2 in 1 Night? Yes.

Okay, there are a million things I should be doing right now, but I am posting this.

This is my first dose of Christmas homesickness.

I am sad and grumpy and feel very alone. I have to accept that we grow up and people grow apart. That being said, every December my friends and I meet at Pier 39 for Christmas time. It started in Starfire with Cable Car Caroling, but it has served the same purpose since about junior year of high school that is did in later years. It centers us. It is a day when there is no need to party or go out or be with our boyfriends. It is friends reconnecting eating at the same places we always do and getting bath salts and remembering that no matter what happened that year and what mistakes we made or what fights we got into that we have each other and that we love each other. I am going to miss that this year.

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