Sunday, November 28, 2010


A post about Thanksgiving. A post about how stressed out I am. A post about Sweden.

Totally unrelated: allow me to analyze myself briefly. I say a lot of shallow things in order to protect how I really feel. I exaggerate life in order to make it compensate for the flaws I find in myself. I have a twisted sense of pride in my unhealthy psychological past because it lets me see how far I have come to be who I am now. I try to hold on to my past because it was easier to have an outlet for stress than have to deal with it in a healthy way. My identity right now is abstract and I cannot seem to piece together who I want to be. I cannot be who I want because what I want is still unhealthy, but now I know better.

Teaser for the blogs to come: Thanksgiving and Sweden were both perfect. This next week is going to be academic suicide.

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