Saturday, March 5, 2011

Estonia and Sweden

I morgen skal jeg til Tallinn! I know virtually nothing about Tallinn, so it is quite exciting. The only reason I do not want to go is because my ankle is hurting more every day. That is a lie, it felt loads better about 3 days ago and I was hopeful that I would be able to walk on it, but since then it has taken huge steps in regression. Here is the picture I took about half an hour after my incident, it isn't the biggest my ankle got, but I like to look at this picture because I feel it justifies the pain I am in.

I have literally done nothing all week. I managed to get out of my room on Friday to go to class and get some groceries. I need to do laundry before I leave in less than 24 hours, but the laundry is 6 flights of stairs down, and I do not know how I am going to do that on sticks while holding a big laundry bag. If I ever get a picture of my crutches I will explain to you why we have renamed them sticks. You know how when you are injured there are things that you crave? Just things that your parents used to do for you? Whenever I get sick or hurt myself I crave chocolate milkshakes. I watched Bright Eyes two nights ago when my ankle was throbbing and I couldn't sleep. I had not watched a Shirley Temple movie since my Grandmother passed away, and I bawled through a large chunk of it. I also enjoyed every moment and the rush of memories it brought back. Fun fact: I still consider Potato Soup my favorite food, but it is another thing I have been avoiding for the past 7 years. I cannot be afraid of the things that she and I loved so much together in fear that if I love those things without her here it will make our memories less special. When I get home I am going straight for My Fair Lady and tuna fish sandwiches with coke. I am excited to be going to "real" Sweden (as in Stockholm instead of Malmö). I feel like my Grandma would be proud of me.

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