Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Life in Stolen Pictures

I would like to inform you all that I fail at taking pictures this semester. Because things do not seem nearly as exciting in every day life, I have stopped taking my camera with me, meaning I have missed picture opportunities of everything. I also have misplaced my camera cord so even the pictures that I HAVE taken are not on my computer. Here are things that I wish I had pictures of that I am going to proceed to steal from other people or off the internet:

Last Friday I took a test I was sure I failed (I got a B which is the same as failing when everyone else got A's) and as I stepped outside my school I heard a fanfare. I go to the square around the corner and the cavalry is out. I walk down Strøget and there was a parade for the Danish troops that had returned home from the Middle East. It is always nice to be caught in a parade in the middle of your walk home.

On Saturday Spring officially started when I waited outside in freezing temperatures twice because it was the opening of the Danish ice cream season meaning Paradis reopened and was giving out free ice cream! I went twice with a total of about $11 free ice cream. They do it way better than Baskin Robbins.

Saturday night I went to the epic Egmont Fastelavn party. My costume was "flower girl" or "garden party" or "flower child", we were not really sure and since puns get lost in translation anyways it was really just an excuse for me to glue pretty flowers to things. My ex-boyfriend once told me that I am incapable of being "sexy" or "hot" and the highest I can achieve on the attractive scale is "cute". I hate to admit it but I think he may have been right. Next time I should try for slutty firewoman...

Later Saturday night/Sunday morning I fell off of a hidden 4inch step (you know those sneaky hidden ones) and messed up my ankle pretty badly. The highlight of my life was the angle bus. I went to the night bus stop right by the housing (the night bus only runs once an hour) and after I had been waiting for maybe 5 minutes an "ikke i rute" (not in service) bus pulls up and asks me which bus I am waiting for and where I need to go. He tells me to get in and he drove me literally to my doorstep. It was amazing. I do not know how I would have gotten home without him or his kindness.

I was going to wait until Monday to go to the doctor, but the next morning I couldn't wait. I wish I had the pictures I took of my ankle right after it happened, because the swelling looks disgusting and hilarious. I was too freaked out by how big it had gotten by the morning to remember to take a picture. I got up on Sunday and went to the kitchen. I tried to stand on my foot with full pressure and I woke up on the floor in front of the sink because I had passed out from pain. I called a cab and went to the Skadestuen (ER) at Bispebjerg Hospital where I spent from 2pm until midnight.

My ankle is sprained but since it gave signs of being broken just no fracture was visible on the xray I am on crutches for 2 weeks and if it still hurts after that I get to go back and they will treat it like a break. I am missing my field study today and my practicum tomorrow and my practicum's fastelavn party on Friday. I leave for Estonia with my class on Sunday. I am not a happy camper.

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