Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Camera Needs New Batteries

This is being the most beautiful Springtime city. I walk around and I am seriously in awe of Spring. It also makes me realize that 1) we do not have Spring in California, and 2) the cold miserable Winter was SO worth it. The one thing that is really tripping me out is it is still twilight at around 8:30pm. I do not remember if this is normal, but I do not think so. I was prepared for the sun to set at 3pm in winter, but I really can't figure out how the sun has time to spend it all over me. How does the rest of the world get sunshine in April if it is just chilling in Scandinavia? I have not decided what I am doing today, but I expect it will consist of something along the lines of taking a ridiculously long walk and smiling a lot.

UPDATE: I just made a "cleaning the fridge out" kinda lunch. It was spectacular. I took a picture with my laptop because it more than reminded me of my mothers infamous "Yoda Swamp Soup" which I would not touch as a child. I made soup that was almost purely fresh spinach with a few sliced potatoes and ate it with a slice ryebread with a bit of goat cheese on top. Considering I ate almost the entire pot and feel like I will burst from being so full I like to know that the majority of what I consumed was spinach and water. I hope that my Danish cooking habits and acceptance of what I will eat remains with me when I come home.

Yum yum yum!

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