Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dear Julia Having an Emotional Breakdown,

This CAN NOT continue for the next 3 weeks. I understand that you love Denmark. I understand better than you do the fears that lie behind going home. The baggage left from last Summer is going to be there, and having to face it is going to be miserable. No really, it is going to suck. You will cry and scream and no one will understand. I get it. But reality check, this is not real life. The world you are living in is contrived by an international university who most of the time you kinda hate anyways. You will have to get on that plane come the 25th and go back to California. The people at home won't get it why you are upset, and they will not care that "in Denmark they do it this way". They will not understand that a part of you will belong in Copenhagen forever. Hearing about your travels will get tiring and you will wear yourself out trying to be perfect and make a new first impression on people who have known you your entire life. You have changed so much from the last time you were home, and I know you are petrified of regressing back to someone you did not like all that much, but that will not happen unless you let it. There is so much waiting for you at home, but please do not stress out. You are promising yourself to responsibilities when you get home because you are afraid that idle time will leave time to break down, but honestly if you do not do them they will find someone else and life will go on. If anyone gets mad or judges you it is because they are misinformed on the current state of your well-being. Please make wise choices and I will support your actions 100%. You are beautiful, smart, and besides talking to yourself in letters posted on your travel blog, you have rather a lot going for you. Now get off your butt and smile. The next 21 days will fly by, and you will not be able to see the wonders they hold if your eyes are full of tears.
Love, Logical Julia
P.S. Maybe try writing your paper now so you can go to Tivoli tomorrow? Just a thought.

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