Monday, May 9, 2011

Dwindling Days and Ridiculousness

I hope in 2 years I will look back at this week and laugh, because really only I would have this life.

It is time for a new change. I was trying to go back to what my summer has always been. I need to reprioritize my life at home because in my absence home has reprioritized its life, and unfortunately since I was not there for that I am no longer important.

I thought I would be spending this week rushing around seeing all the museums I have yet to go to and eating wienerbrød and frikadeller for every meal. Instead, I find myself more concerned about the readjustment back to home life than missing my life here. I do not know if this is really not goodbye like my mind is telling me, or if I am in levels of denial I can't even wrap my head around yet.

I am going to force this to be the best summer of my life. I want to have a summer that I enjoy, before the American stress culture drags me back under the pressure of academics and being the person I am going to end up being. This summer I want to live with the person I am now. The awkward, quirky, slightly selfish girl who at this point in her life would do anything to be happy. If it makes me happy to wear canvas floral shoes and ride my bike everywhere, I am going to do that. If I feel like going on a hike and standing at the tallest point blowing bubbles and singing Spice Girls songs, I am going to do that. If it makes me happy to go to the beach to do nothing but listen to the waves crash and watch the sunset, I will do that too. The way I see it, this is the last summer I can get away without having a job or an internship. I may take a class, but that will only be a few times a week. This is the only summer where I haven't had a really strong network of friends waiting for me at home (not that there aren't still some of you, if you happen to be reading this <3). The pain of feeling obsolete is opening a door to having freedom and absolutely no responsibilities! If nothing cares about me, that means I don't have to care about anything in return.

This is going to be the summer of Julia. I want to fall in love with California again, the way I fell in love with Copenhagen.

You know, I don't even need to wait 2 years. Thanks old life for making me feel like crap all this week. I'll think of you and laugh when I am out living my life.

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