Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Denmark's Ties

So don't get me wrong, it's chill if you study abroad in France. Italy is nice too. Spain is supposed to be gorgeous. In England you get to say "Well my time in London..." in an overly dramatized British accent that you have "picked up." But if we are going to be honest, there is nothing like study abroad in Denmark.

For the rest of my life I am linked to other people who have any connection at all to Denmark. There are reasons that people study abroad in the big 4 mentioned above. They have art, food, languages that you can actually have some chance of being fluent in, basically they have culture that the entire world knows about. The trick with Denmark is that it has secret culture. No one suspects this teenie tiny little country of 5 million to be holding the secret to happiness and life satisfaction. Because there is not a large network of people that know the secret that Denmark has secrets we cling to everyone else who knows.

Another thing about people who know something about Denmark, lets be real, the country is 16,621 square miles. California is 155,959 square miles. There are only 2 places someone will have been in Denmark. You were either in Copenhagen or in Aarhus. Maybe if you were adventurous or visiting someone you may have gone to one of the other smaller cities like Odense, or Aalborg, but beyond that can you even name another Danish city? Then the tricky part, if you can name another one can you spell it?

Basically knowing about Denmark feels like a little club. No one who doesn't have a connection to it cares about it. Can't you just feel the magic of knowing that there is a place in the world that the only people who pay attention to it actually care?

One of my friend put it well when he said he kept forgetting he had not been to France because he spent so many years in high school asking classmates how to get to the Eiffel Tower.

There wasn't a fully planned train of thought for this post, just to say that I am waiting for the day when I am interviewing for my highly competitive dream job and I step into the interviewers office and see a picture on their desk of them in front of Nyhavn and know that I am in.

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