Sunday, May 1, 2011

Tales From Spring Break Part 2: Frolicking in Prague

Prague was completely different from Istanbul, and more of a "Julia" city if I do say so myself. But being the Julia city that it was it means that I spent the majority of my time not in museums and wandering around looking at pretty things and spending time in parks. I met my friend (who I was with in Istanbul)'s girlfriend for the first time! I had basically been waiting to meet her for 2 years and there was a lot of anxiety on my part if we would hit it off, luckily she is amazing and we got along splendidly.

Day #7: I had an 8 hour layover in Budapest, but being the culture seeker that I am I did not leave the airport, but I did watch the sunrise. I got to my hostel in the late afternoon and took an amazing shower. Went to dinner where they played Spice Girls on the radio followed by drinks at a bar that was in a cave and had great decor.

Day #8: I attempted to follow the tram lines to the castle but got distracted by nature and took a 3 hour detour. I had a picnic and tried to get myself unlost before I found Prague Castle and continued down into city center where I watched children dance to horrible techno songs at the Easter Market. Met up with my new friend and I ate my hamburger with a knife and fork and got mocked.

Day #9: She had the morning off so we met up and did a lot of the actual cultural things, including the torture museum and a brief walking tour. The torture museum was not our best idea because it was incredibly scary, but on the walking tour I saw the John Lennon wall and that made me pretty happy. Of course we ended up in an adorable park and had deep meaningful conversation before she had class and I went to explore the shopping street, we met up again for evening festivities that ended at 4am.

Day #10: My last day we met up for coffee and proceeded to go to a park where we again sat and talked and made daisy chains. She went to class and I went to say goodbye to the city before I ended up in another park and we had a dinner picnic. We went out at night and then I had to say goodbye to her and her great friends.

I left the next morning. I think that saying goodbye to her sucked more than I was expecting it to because I do not know when we will see each other again, but we will definitely see each other again sometime...

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