Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blizzard Burst My Bubble

Today is miserable and cold and too much snow and finals tomorrow and a project I haven't done and people in housing that are bothering me and a trip I have not planned and christmas presents that have not be bought and packages that have not been sent and bad dreams.

I am also very tired and kinda sick.

There is a group of people at the table next to me discussing everything they are excited for when they go home. I know that they are just trying to compensate for the fact that they have to leave and I get to stay in this amazing fabulous place but that doesn't mean I miss my friends, family, cats, or Chipotle any less.

I just went out for sushi with Alice at a restaurant a little boy from my practicum site's parents own. It was very good. It was kinda a goodbye lunch. First goodbye was not a fun one. Many more to come in the next two days.

I know I have no time to do anything but work and study, but I am really having problems trying to focus at DIS so I may go home and take a nap. I do not know if this weather qualifies as a blizzard, but this is how I always imagined one. I just want to go in my room and sleep and drink hot chocolate and read fun books and watch Christmas movies.

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