Friday, December 10, 2010

My Journal of Personal Achievement

I had to write this for my Danish class. I think that writing it in 10 minutes at 4 in the morning is a good way to get a solid flow of subconscious truth.

" I already know that Denmark is the best thing that has ever happened to me. This past summer left me in a very vulnerable place in my life, and I knew that I needed a change. I was worried about having to make a life change at the same time as making a location change, but it worked out perfectly. Since I have been living in Copenhagen I have become a much stronger person than I ever thought possible. I have learned how to take my intrapersonal psychology knowledge and use it to realize my different emotions and triggers for those emotions. Even during bad times I am able to step back and realize why I am feeling homesick or why an easy task like grocery shopping is overwhelming in a foreign country. Being able to realize what makes times challenging has freed me to fully appreciate the happy times I have in my life.
Along with my Danish happiness I have discovered a part of me that loves adventure. I often settle into my comfort zones while I am at home. I follow a routine, and I live off color-coded schedules. Since I have been in Denmark I have spent a lot more time evaluating my priorities and I realized that this opportunity will present itself to me one time, and that time is right now. I do not have time to make lists of all the things I want to do, so I have started to go out and actually do things. Practicum really helped me learn to seize the moment because instead of the typical structured kindergartens in America I get to actually play and experience the children in the moment without having to worry about what activity will come next. This new attitude has made me more independent than I have ever been in my life. I travel alone, I go on walks alone, and I try new things without feeling the need to hide behind someone else.
Being away from the high stress environment I put myself in at home with academics and social pressures lets me be a person I like a lot more. A slightly boosted level of confidence, an increased knowledge of myself, and the willingness to sometimes be pushed outside my comfort zone are the main things I have gained in the past four months. I cannot wait to see what the next five have in store for me."

1 comment:

  1. Julia - You know that I don't know you very well, but I do want to tell you that this is a wonderful achievement!!! You sound so much more confident and mature than you did in your early to Denmark posts. Being a person you like is key to long term happiness, I believe.

    I wish you every joy for Christmas, as you seize the new opportunities in front of you, and can't wait to see what the next 5 months bring!

    Blessings to you!
