Wednesday, September 22, 2010

One Month Down

And I hate Americans. Or, maybe I just hate Americans in Denmark?

I love where I live. I love my classes. I love the city. I love the country. What I hate? I hate this contrived little world of DIS.

Shared housing sucks, and I get that, but for once this rant isn't about living with the American students. My issue is that because the majority of people are only here for 4 months they do not care. They form into these tight little cliques as soon as they can and spend all of their time with either friends from home, or friends from their classes. Not going to lie, I am writing this out of hurt right now, but I do not understand what is wrong with me. I have a ton of acquaintances and people I am on good terms with, I have some pretty good friends here, and in the real world I have genuine best friends. However, all of that means nothing when you are trying to travel. All of my travel plans have gone out the window because everyone else has a clique. I am fine doing 3 days of England on my own, but I do not know if I can face 2 weeks, then 5 weeks, then 2 weeks again all by myself. Prices are going up and time is rapidly closing in on me, and I am just stuck here paralyzed by rejection. I may be damaged goods, but why do I have to be damaged goods during this once in a lifetime opportunity? I push people away because I am afraid of getting hurt, and then I get hurt anyways.

On a happier note, I had a really good day today until I stopped and had time to think about my travel break.

I got the most wonderful care package that brought a huge smile to my face. I went out for sushi with Grace and some of her friends, then we got ice cream (NOT from paradis, but this other really good place). After I came home and watched Glee and took a nap. I have no class on Wednesdays, in case you are wondering how this all took place instead of school. After my nap I went to my info meeting for volunteering at the bar. The "cafe" is called Mellemrummet (translated to "the gap") and is ran by MS ( The cafe is nonprofit with all proceeds going to MS's service projects and it serves organic beers and wines as well as organic fair trade coffee drinks. It hasn't opened yet, but will by the end of October. They also have cute little events there like indie Danish bands play and vintage movie nights. Also also, they have volunteer parties and events and seem very excited to make a close knit volunteer community, which I am excited for and think should help with my lack of Danish interaction. It sounds perfect, and is literally less then 10 minutes walk from my home.

Tomorrow I am going to my practicum then going to Christiania for some jazz thing. Friday I am going beer tasting. This weekend I am going canoeing and hiking in Sweden. I also have a paper and a presentation due next week though, which I am not really a fan of. I am keeping busy, my life does not suck, I just apparently have no friends.

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